Gfitter text
has been copied-pasted-integrated from

ZFITTER text was transformed into text of a diploma thesis and of the main Gfitter publication,
"Revisiting the Global Electroweak Fit of the Standard Model and Beyond with Gfitter",
H. Flacher (CERN), M. Goebel (DESY u. Hamburg U.), J. Haller (Hamburg U.), A. Hocker (CERN), K. Monig (DESY, Zeuthen), J. Stelzer (DESY),
CERN-OPEN-2008-024, DESY-08-160, Nov 2008, 66 pp.,
European Physics Journal C 60 (2009) 543-583.

Webpage under construction

Created 24 October 2011
This is a private webpage, based on publicly available information.
Responsible for the content is the webmaster.
Corrections are welcome.

This webpage calls the latex files: Appendix.tex, definitions.tex < /a>, EWWGR.tex, cpc99-070_iba.tex, cpc99-070_defs.tex.

See also the return address
  1. zfitter-code-in-gfitter.html - Samples of the `integration' of ZFITTER software in Gfitter/GSM software.
  2. gfitter-gsm-patches.html - Patches of misprints arising from the `integrations'.
  3. gfitter-publications.html - Informations on publications of Gfitter where the use of [next word was misprinted until 24 Oct 2011] ZFITTER software is not quoted.
  4. zfitter-text-in-gfitter-publications.html - Samples of [latex source] text, found in the main Gfitter publication and also in a diploma thesis, taken from latex source files written by ZFITTER authors.
and, official Gfitter webpage and, kind of mirror at DESY
webmaster 2011
Foto: Copyright (2011)
The webmaster: "Wo ZFITTER drin ist, soll auch ZFITTER draufstehen!"

Wo ZFITTER drin ist, soll auch ZFITTER draufstehen

google translator:
Where there is ZFITTER, should also stand upon ZFITTER

Since March 2011 it is known to ZFITTER authors that several parts of the Gfitter main article in European Physics Journal C 60 (2009) and of a diploma thesis have been copied-pasted-adapted from latex source text written by ZFITTER authors.
For some time we found this of minor priority compared to the hidden copied-pasted-adapted software parts of ZFITTER software in Gfitter/GSM software.

Once the Gfitter case lasts now for months, we find it reasonable to document in a systematic way also the plagiarism of text parts.
We did not search systematically, so we do not claim to be exhaustive.

The Gfitter text basis may be found in the preprint archive
by applying e.g.
one may download the source file:
The master file, needed for running under latex is smfit08.tex, and the interesting files are Appendix.tex and definitions.tex < /a>.
We will be concerned with Appendix A.3 "Electroweak Form Factors" and Appendix A.4 "Radiator Functions".

Now we come to the two articles by [typo: GFITTER] ZFITTER authors which have been used as a source for creating part of text of the Gfitter article 0811.0009v1, also in EPJC60.

The first cluster of text,
taken from
D. Bardin et al., "Electroweak Working Group Report":

One case is that of "Appendix A.3" in European Physics Journal C 60 (2009) 543.
Nearly all of equations (62) to (76) [including some of the internal latex comments] have been 'derived' from the CERN Yellow Report CERN 95-03.

One may download from the preprint archive the article "Electroweak Working Group Report", a part of: D. Bardin, W. Hollik, G. Passarino (eds.), "Reports of the working group on precision calculations for the Z resonance", published as a Yellow CERN Report, CERN 95-03 (31 March 1995).
Two years after publication, the "Electroweak Working Group Report" was submitted [by the present spokes person of ZFITTER] also to the preprint archive hep-ph:
with source file download by
The latex text file of interest is EWWGR.tex.
The part of relevance is:
Subsection 4.4 "ZFITTER basics", written by D. Bardin, L. Kalinovskaya, S. Riemann, T. Riemann [may be et al.].
That was original text [of limited available space], specially written for the working group report, and it was intended to be as close as reasonable/possible to the program.

In the webpage [created 10 August 2011]
we added, in September 2011, under item
2. Martin Goebel
"A Global Fit of the Electroweak Standard Model",
Diploma thesis (Universitaet Hamburg, 29.02.2008),
a detailed documentation about Appendix A of the diploma thesis and also about European Physics Journal C 60 (2009) 543, Appendix A.3 "Electroweak Form Factors".
In fact, there are equivalences of the right-hand-sides of the following variables [mainly in the appendices mentioned], partly combined with some re-namings:
in ZFITTER basics -- in Diploma thesis -- in EPJC60
(252) r_{_W}, r_{_Z} -- A.7, A.8 -- text after (73) r_W, r_Z
(253 \rho_f^{\mathrm{1loop},\alpha} -- A.1, A.4 -- (64 \drhov^{f,[G]}_{{\rm rem}} and after (65) \delrho{F}_{\sss{\zb}}
(254 \kappa_f^{\mathrm{1loop},\alpha} -- A.2 -- (65) \dkapv^{f,[G]}_{{\rm rem}}
(255 u_f -- A.3 -- after (65) u_f
(257 W_b(0) -- A.10 -- (70) \frac{\sum_{\sss{WW}}^{{\rm Bos},F}(0)}{M_W^2}
(258 W_b(M_{_W}^2) -- A.11 -- (71) \frac{\sum_{\sss{WW}}^{{\rm Bos},F}(M_W^2)}{M_W^2}
(259 Z_b(M_{_Z}^2) -- A.12 -- (72) \frac{\sum_{\sss{ZZ}}^{{\rm Bos},F}(M_Z^2)}{M_W^2}
In the next example even the comment was copied and we give it explicitly. It was our first hint to the latex text pasting action:
eq. (260) of ZFITTER basics:
%   bible II.A.6
Z^{^F}_b(M_Z^2) &=&
-4R^2+ \frac{17R}{3}-\frac{23}{9}+\frac{5}{18R}-\frac{\rW}{2}
+\rW\left(-\frac{3}{4}+\frac{3\rZ}{8}-\frac{\rZ^2}{12} \right) \ln \rZ
&&-~\frac{1}{12R}\ln R + \frac{\ln \rZ}{2R}
\right] \frac{ L_{_{ZH}} (\zm^2) } {{\wm}^2} 
corresponds to eq. A.13 of diploma thesis
and to eq. (73) of EPJC60
%   bible II.A.6
{\sum}_{\sss{ZZ}}^{\prime{\rm Bos},F}(M_Z^2) \ =\ &
   -4\ctwf+ \frac{17\ctws}{3}-\frac{23}{9}+\frac{5}{18\ctws}-\frac{r_W}{2}
   +r_W\left(-\frac{3}{4}+\frac{3r_Z}{8}-\frac{r_Z^2}{12} \right) \ln r_Z
& \nonumber  \\
&-\,\frac{1}{12\ctws}\ln \ctws + \frac{\ln r_Z}{2\ctws}
& \nonumber \\
   \right) \frac{ L_{ZH} (M_Z^2) } {{M_W}^2} 

(261 Z_f(s) -- A.15 -- (75) \frac{\sum_{\sss{ZZ}}^{{\rm Fer},F}(M_Z^2)}{M_W^2}
(262 W_f(s) -- A.14 -- (74) \frac{\sum_{\sss{WW}}^{{\rm Fer},F}(M_W^2)}{M_W^2}
(263 Z^{^F}_f(\zm^2) -- A.16 -- (76) {\sum}_{\sss{ZZ}}^{\prime{\rm Fer},F}(M_Z^2)
% Realistic A.10. -- -- [again also comment copied] % Realistic A.10.
(264 M(s) -- A.17 -- (68) \Pzg^{F}(\mzs)
% Real. A.5. -- -- [again also comment copied] % Real. A.5.
(265 {V}_{_{1V}}(s) -- A.18 -- (66) {V}_{1V}(s)
% Real. A.6. -- -- [again also comment copied] % Real. A.6.
(266 V_{_{2W}}(s) -- A.18 -- (67) V_{{2W}}(s)
(267 \tilde{R}_{_V}, \gamma_{_V} , R_{_V} -- after A.18 -- after (67) \tilde{R}_{V}, \gamma_{V}, R_{V}

Addition 2011-12-01

In fact, the latex file definitions.tex of Gfitter contains a lot of definitions from our latex file cpc99-70_defs.tex for CPC133, namely approximately 100 definitions which are just copied. \\ See e.g. text from cpc99-70_defs.tex:

% Higher orders:
\newcommand{\drrem}{\deltar_{\rm rem}}
\newcommand{\deltarremho}{\deltar^{ho}_{\rm rem}}
%--- db's additions in April 1999 ---
\newcommand{\pir}[1]{\Pi^{\rm{\sss{R}}}\lpar #1\rpar}
\newcommand{\ord}[1]{{\cal O}\lpar#1\rpar}
compared to EPJC60:

% Higher orders:
\newcommand{\drrem}{\deltar_{\rm rem}}
\newcommand{\deltarremho}{\deltar^{ho}_{\rm rem}}

% *******************************************************************
% ZFITTER defintions
% *******************************************************************
%--- db's additions in April 1999 ---
\newcommand{\Reb}{{\rm Re}}
\newcommand{\Imb}{{\rm Im}}
\def\Re{\ensuremath{{\rm Re}}\xspace}
\def\Im{\ensuremath{{\rm Im}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\pir}[1]{\Pi^{\rm{\sss{R}}}\lpar #1\rpar}
\newcommand{\ord}[1]{{\cal O}\lpar#1\rpar}
The ZFITTER definitions begin at bit earlier than indicated, but this is not essential. Further, we used in our latex files frequently the comment line ``\%-------------'', while in the EPJC60 text base this also happens, but only at some places where we say that they are copied from us.

This additional text was prepared in Oct/Dec 2011.
The second cluster of text,
taken from
D. Bardin et al., "ZFITTER v.6.21":

It is "A.4 Radiator Functions" in European Physics Journal C 60 (2009) 543.
Nearly all of equations (79) to (102) [and some short explicit text pieces], namely 25 formulas have been 'derived' from:
D. Bardin (JINR Dubna), M. Bilenky (IPAS Prague), P. Christova (Univ. Shoumen), M. Jack (DESY Zeuthen), L. Kalinovskaya (JINR Dubna), A. Olchevski (JINR Dubna), S. Riemann (DESY Zeuthen), T. Riemann (DESY Zeuthen),
"ZFITTER v.6.21 - A Semi-Analytical Program for Fermion Pair Production in e+e- Annihilation"
Computer Physics Communications 133 (2001) 229-395
with download address 9908433v3
The latex master file is cpc-zf.tex, and the latex file of relevance is cpc99-070_iba.tex
We prepared the pdf files for comparison: from ZFITTER, CPC133: zfitter-cpc-133-2001-RVQS3-121.pdf, from EPJC60, Appendix A.4: EPJC60_smfit08_A4.pdf, and from M. Goebel's diploma: Goebel_diploma_AppB.pdf.
A simple look at the latex files makes the derivations from file cpc99-070_iba.tex into e.g. file smfit08/Appendix.tex for Appendix A.3 evident, and we do not go here into details.
The relations are:
(77) derives from (3.121)
(78) derives from (3.122), etc. etc.,
(102) derives from (3.150).
Sometimes one or the other latex comment has been taken over, and many of the latex labels have not been renamed.

We can give the exact relations on special request.
One nice example is eq. (3.121) of our article in CPC133 compared to eq. (77) of Appendix A.4 "Radiator functions" of EPJC and eq. (B.1) of M. Goebel's diploma in Appendix B "Radiator functions":
Here is the formula as in latex file cpc99-070_iba.tex for CPC133:

R^{\fq}_{\sss{V}}(\sman)&=& 1 + \frac{3}{4} Q^2_q \frac{\alpha(\sman)}{\pi}
%             +{\cal O}(\alpha^2) 
        & &   + \left[C_{02}+C^t_2\left(\frac{s}{\mts}\right)\right]
              + C_{03}\left(\frac{\als(\sman)}{\pi}\right)^3
%             + {\cal O}(\alpha^4_{_S})  
        & &   + \frac{\mcS(\sman)+\mbS(\sman)}{s} C_{23}
        & &   + \frac{\mqS(\sman)}{s} \Biggl[ 
                        C^V_{21}      \frac{\als(\sman)}{\pi}
                      + C^V_{22}\left(\frac{\als(\sman)}{\pi}\right)^2
                      + C^V_{23}\left(\frac{\als(\sman)}{\pi}\right)^3
   & &+\frac{\mcQ(\sman)}{\smans}\left[ C_{42}-\ln\frac{\mcS(\sman)}{s}\right]
      +\frac{\mbQ(\sman)}{\smans}\left[ C_{42}-\ln\frac{\mbS(\sman)}{s}\right]
        & &   + \frac{\mqQ(\sman)}{\smans} \Biggl\{
                       C^V_{41}       \frac{\als(\sman)}{\pi}
                 + \left[C^V_{42}+C^{V,L}_{42}\ln\frac{\mqS(\sman)}{s}\right]
        & &   +12\frac{\mqpQ(\sman)}{\smans}
compared to latex file Appendix.tex for EPJC60, Appendix:

R^{q}_{\sss{V}}(s)= 1 & + \frac{3}{4} Q^2_q \frac{\alpha(s)}{\pi}
%             +{\cal O}(\alpha^2) 
&\nonumber \\
        &   + \left[C_{02}+C^t_2\left(\frac{s}{\mts}\right)\right]
              + C_{03}\aas^3(s)
              + C_{04}\aas^4(s)              
        &   +\, \delta_{C05}\aas^5(s) 
            + \frac{\mcS(s)+\mbS(s)}{s} C_{23}
        &   +\, \frac{\mqS(s)}{s} \left[ 
                        C^V_{21}      \aas(s)
                      + C^V_{22}\aas^2(s)
                      + C^V_{23}\aas^3(s)
    &+\, \frac{\mcQ(s)}{s^2}\left[ C_{42}-\ln\frac{\mcS(s)}{s}\right]
      +\frac{\mbQ(s)}{s^2}\left[ C_{42}-\ln\frac{\mbS(s)}{s}\right]
    &   +\, \frac{\mqQ(s)}{s^2} \left\{
                       C^V_{41}       \aas(s)
                 + \left[C^V_{42}+C^{V,L}_{42}\ln\frac{\mqS(s)}{s}\right]
    &   +\, 12\frac{\mqpQ(s)}{s^2}

The Gfitter authors give references for the formulae:
"The following formulae are taken from [45]."
"Massless non-singlet corrections [17, 170-173]:"
"Quadratic massive corrections [174]:"
"Quartic massive corrections [174]:"
"Power suppressed top-mass correction [174]:"
"Singlet axial-vector corrections [174]:"
"Singlet vector correction [174]:"

[17] P. A. Baikov, K. G. Chetyrkin and J. H. Kuhn, arXiv:0801.1821, SFB-CPP-08-04, TTP08-01.
[170] K. G. Chetyrkin, A. L. Kataev and F. V. Tkachov, Phys. Lett. B85, 277 (1979).
[171] M. Dine and J. R. Sapirstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 668 (1979).
[172] W. Celmaster and R. J. Gonsalves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 560 (1980).
[173] S. G. Gorishnii, A. L. Kataev and S. A. Larin, Phys. Lett. B273, 141 (1991).
[174] K. G. Chetyrkin, J. H. Kuhn and A. Kwiatkowski, hep-ph/9503396.

The hints to [170]-[174] are just taken over from CPC133.
The hint to [45] is [intentionally] wrong, because the formulae have not been copied from the book "The standard model in the making", but from CPC133. Proof: The latex files of the book are not publicly available.
It is true that the formulae in both references look alike, because they use the same latex source [created by the authors of the two publications].
One may dispute how correctly authors, who reproduce formulae, have to indicate where these are from in the specific case, who derived them first or final etc.
But if authors use a latex source file for the production of their text, they have to quote this correctly and unique, if they did not create it by themselves.
If this would be the only copying in the Gfitter case, we would not dispute it, although we know people who take such instances more serious than we do.
But as a part of a series of copyings, it has a special flavor and one should take notice of it.

The copy-paste-adaptation of the latex text is here interesting not only by itself.
It sheds also some light on the copy-paste-adaptation of several of the simpler, shorter C++ identities in the file Gfitter/GSM/RadiatorFunctions.cxx.
In fact, when digging for evidence of hidden copy-paste-change in Gfitter/GSM, we met all the radiator functions in file RadiatorFunctions.cxx.

The begin of file:

 * Package: GSM                                                                   *
 * Class  : RadiatorFunctions                                                     *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Auxiliary Theory computes QCD radiator functions                          *
 *      for Z and W decay                                                         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Papers:                                                                        *
 *      The Standard Model in the Making, Oxford 1999                             *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Martin Goebel     - DESY, Germany                  *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2006:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland,                                                        *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (                                       *
 *                                                                                *
 * File and Version Information:                                                  *
 * $Id: RadiatorFunctions.cxx,v 1.18 2008/07/15 04:21:01 hoecker Exp $

The functions are relatively short, and although surrounded by copied items, in many cases it was not waterproof that items were copied and not 'legally' typed in from the book by Bardin, Passarino: "The Standard Model in the Making", Oxford 1999 [authors not mentioned in file RadiatorFunctions.cxx.]
We analyzed in great detail the deviations of 127 zeta(5) [in texts: book, diploma, EPJC] and 1270 zeta(5) [in programs: ZFITTER, Gfitter/GSM] in order to conclude that the texts seemingly typed in from the book, but the program, in parallel, was nevertheless copied from ZFITTER code.
For this see
item 2. 1270 or 127 ?
Now we see more.
The texts both in diploma and EPJC60 have just been copied-adapted not from the book [as stated in the cxx file], but from the latex of CPC133.
We do not show this in detail. Who has any doubt, please inspect the corresponding files.
Further, the software has also completely been copied-adapted, but from the ZFITTER code. Our original arguing is valid, of course, but now it becomes clear that also many of the simpler formulas have been 'taken over'.
If there is anybody assuming that the latex text completely has been simply copied-adapted, and few of the C++ items also, but then in between them few lines have not - sorry, this sounds a bit strange.
So, in sum, the radiator functions are another case where it is proven that the inforation in the cxx files on origin of coding is definitely and intentionally wrong.

Now a last comment, on the diploma

We were unable to have a look at the latex source file of the diploma.
So, it might be, in principle, that although the EPJC60 article contains parts created by copy-paste-adapt-hide, this is not at all true for the diploma.
Here one has to argue as follows.
The diploma is dated: Universitaet Hamburg, 29.02.2008.
The article in EPJC60 was submitted to hep-ph on 3 Nov 2008.
One should have no doubt that the latex text of the diploma was written much earlier than that of the EPJC60, there are 9 months in between.
At the other hand, the equality of visible text in Appendix A3, A4 of EPJC60 and of Appendix A and Appendix B of the diploma thesis is evident.

If there is anybody assuming that the latex text of the later text EPJC60, copied from CPC133 and from CERN95-03, and of the diploma, written earlier, might well disagree because the diploma does not contain copied-adapted latex text pieces - sorry, this sounds a bit strange.

Copyright © Tord Riemann,, 2011
Die Vervielfältigung, Verbreitung und Veröffentlichung unterliegt der Creative Commons-Lizenz [Namensnennung-Keine kommerzielle Nutzung-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland License]
Tord Riemann , Created: 24 October 2011