Authors of the ZFITTER project

The participation in a software project may be due to a variety of activities, including creation of code, debugging, creation of description, ruling the team etc.
For legal reasons we mention here that some of us were in a shorter term than indicated active with the software itself but rather worked - within the project - on description etc.
We indicate the period of activity if it is not continously.

It is not easy to reasonably date the begin of the project.
ZFITTER is intended to describe electroweak and QCD effects in physics related to e+e- annihilation plus related topics.

The very first studies of the Dubna group in the Standard Model are due to D. Bardin and O. Fedorenko:
"On High Order Effects For Fermion Elastic Scattering Processes In Weinberg-salam Theory. 1. Renormalization Scheme", D.Yu. Bardin (Dubna, JINR), O.M. Fedorenko (Moscow State U.). JINR-P2-11413. Mar 1978. 24 pp.
"On High Order Effects For Fermion Elastic Scattering Processes In Weinberg-salam Theory. 2. Calculation Of One Loop Diagrams", D.Yu Bardin (Dubna, JINR), O.M. Fedorenko (Moscow State U.). JINR-P2-11414. Mar 1978. 30 pp.

Our first paper on QED corrections in e+e- annihilation was: "Some Integrals For Exact Calculation Of Qed Bremsstrahlung", A.A. Akhundov (Baku, Inst. Phys.), D.Yu. Bardin (Dubna, JINR), O.M. Fedorenko (Petrozavodsk State U.), T. Riemann (Dubna, JINR). JINR-E2-84-777. Dec 1984. 10 pp.

A bit arbitrarily, one may choose as one of the first papers in the ZFITTER project: A. Akhundov, D. Bardin, T. Riemann on "Hunting the hidden standard Higgs", Phys.Lett. B166 (1986) 111, submitted in 1985. What was programmed for this article, became later ZFITTER.

A. Akhundov (1985-1989, since 2011)
A. Arbuzov (since 1999)
M. Awramik (since 2005)
D. Bardin
M. Bilenky (1987-1994)
A. Chizhov (1987-1991)
P. Christova (since 1999)
M. Czakon (since 2005)
O. Fedorenko (1990)
A. Freitas (since 2005)
M. Grunewald (since 2005)
M. Jack (1999-2000)
L. Kalinovskaya (since 1997)
A. Olshevsky
S. Riemann(since 1986)
T. Riemann (1985-3/1998, since 1999)
M. Sachwitz (1987-1991)
A. Sazonov (1987-1991)
Yu. Sedykh (1989-1991)
I. Sheer (1991-1992)
L. Vertogradov (1990)
H. Vogt (1987-1991)

Authors of the ZFITTER/dizet subpackage:
click here
dizet is the Standard Model library used by ZFITTER

Author of the bhang package:
click here
bhang is a package for Bhabha scattering called by ZFITTER.

Webmaster Tord Riemann
Wed Jul 13 15:59:09 CEST 2011: During May and June 2011 the list of authors was carefully revisited. We assume that the ZFITTER staff is reasonably described now.
Last change:Wed Jul 13 15:59:09 CEST 2011